When you hear the term #GirlBoss what comes to mind? After speaking to many of my colleagues and friends, they defined a #GirlBoss as a woman who accepts nothing less than the best the best in all aspects of her life. This doesn't mean that you have to start your own business, be the vice president of a successful company, and it doesn't even mean that have to be the richest woman. You also don't have to be an entrepreneur in order to be considered a #GirlBoss. You just have to command the best from yourself in what ever you do and how you do it.
Some of my friends are stay at home moms, executives in companies and I 100% call them #GirlBosses every day! If you are goal setter and set no bounds to achieve those goals you too are a #GirlBoss.
Bethany Frankel once said, "Follow your gut no matter the circumstance." This is the best advice to come from a successful Entrepreneur/Business woman. Are you a Girl Boss?
Until next time beauts!
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